
Unleashing the Fury of Fate

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Today, Obama reversed Bush's ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research (surprise surprise). What's such a big deal here? Well, the biggest problem is that they are dealing with human lives as if they are worthless cattle. Secondly, we're in the middle of a recession, and government funding should not be going to fund unnecessary scientific pursuits. Before you get out the tar and feathers, let me explain...

It's no surprise that Obama finally decided to open the sluice of government funding back into this arena; yet, I still am of the firm mind that this was not a wise move.

  • First and foremost, he is playing "god" with human lives. Don't get me wrong, I'm not "anti-science"; however, I am anti-murder. I firmly believe that life begins at conception, and to be chucking embryos into the trashcan is to be committing mass murder. Furthermore, where is this going to end? Obama has said that he will forbid human cloning, but how the hell is he going to regulate this? (anyone seen The Island?) Now that the morality is completely blurred, who is to say what is right and wrong? How long will it be before we turn into Huxley's Brave New World? On top of all this, the scientists are going to need embryos. Where are they going to get them? Willing donors are going to be few and far between without sufficient monetary incentive, so what's to stop the scientists to just set up embryo farms? (anybody seen The Matrix?) Seriously folks, this sounds so great, but it's only the beginning. Once you open pandora's box the world changes for the worse.

  • Secondly, we're in the middle of a recession, and the government wants to throw money into another black hole! I've heard of college students being offered $50,000 to donate their eggs to the lab (I don't know the validity of this, so we'll tone it down to the national average of around $5,000). If it's $5,000 for each egg donated, we'll make an estimate of 20,000 donors; this totals out to $100 million. However, this doesn't include medical costs and/or insurance costs. On top of this, to the best of my knowledge, the helpful cures that scientists have discovered from embryonic stem cell research number a grand total of zero. That's right, a big fat 0. Basically, all the money spent on embryonic stem cells so far haven't produced any results. Again, I'm not anti-science. I completely and fully support adult stem cell research. Scientists have discovered numerous cures from adult stem cells and it doesn't kill the patient. However, for the government to be introducing another offshoot for funds during a recession is complete lunacy.

As I said before, it's not surprising that Obama would do this. We are beginning to see the true face under the mask of "hope" and "change". Yet at the same time, I'm finding his ignorance of government affairs to be rather scary. His "on the job training" isn't helping this country at all, no matter how brave of a face he attempts. Oh what a brave America!


Anonymous said...
March 22, 2009 at 3:49 PM  

Hello! :)

Anonymous said...
March 26, 2009 at 11:56 AM  

so when is the next post to be expected? you've been inactive for a while.

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