
Peace on Earth. Hmm...

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The other day I parked behind a car with an interesting sticker. It said 'Obama' (nothing strange there) but the 'O' was a peace symbol. Now don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing wrong with people sharing their political opinions. But this... this was different. It was an endorsement of this candidate as a messiah. One who will bring peace. I'll be honest, even if George Washington rose from the dead and ran for president, I would never think of him as a messiah. (Needless to say I was rather pleased when someone placed an 'N' before 'Obama' but that is somewhat off topic).

I watched Obama's acceptance speech, I talked to some people who have shaken his hand, and he seems like a sincere, all-around nice guy. But I felt some apprehension seeing his campaign. I couldn't quite place it until I pondered on two words of his slogan: hope and change. First off, change is not always good. Secondly, hope is an emotion. The last time I recall the word hope leading a nation was when Time Magazine's Man of the Year Adolph Hitler helped Germany. By no means am I implying the analogy Obama:America : : Hitler:Germany; this is simply a statement to anyone who answers with, 'why is it bad to have a campaign slogan based on an emotion?' Emotions are unstable.

The Bible tells us to submit to our leaders (give unto Caesar's...) but also tells us who our Messiah is: Jesus Christ. For those who support Obama and those who don't, there are two verses which apply very nicely:

"Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no help. When his breath leaves him, he returns to his earth; in that very day his [previous] thoughts, plans, and purposes perish."
Psalm 146: 3-4 [Amplified Version]

"The Lord is my Light and my Salvation - whome sall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27: 1-2 [Amplified Version]

These verses cary a lot of weight in them. The first verse says to not put your trust in rulers, in people period, but rather in the LORD. This more than likely comes from King David who was himself a ruler. The second verse comes from David as well who was being hunted down and was living in the most unstable of conditions. Yet he put his trust in God.

For anybody reading this who supports Obama, keep in mind that no man will bring peace on earth. And whenever you hear that said of a human, I hope you get a little nervous. As for those of you reading who are hiding your guns because of Obama, keep in mind that there is nothing for us as Christians to fear. While both sides may not be able to agree on this topic, they can agree on this: that is, put their trust in God. He's the only one who can and will bring peace and security to this fallen world.

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The Subtle Imprisonement

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The British were tactless. This is obvious in the American War for Independence. They taxed us heavily, without representation, and raised restrictive trade barriers. The British were tactless but there are people who have learned from this mistake. We are now being told that we need these things in order to survive as a nation.

But the worst part is this: we are buying into it.

You see, we are now being convinced that we need taxes and restrictive trade. The British forced this on us without our consent, but now we are forcing it on ourselves in the name of preservation of American jobs, better education, and the greater good.

However within the previous statement lies the rub. If you say anything against these things, it means you are socially insensitive. Politically incorrect translation: Satan. Because we need all of this, and if you say we don't then you have no right to speak. This is how America works now.

Don't misunderstand me; I am a major proponent of better education, preservation of American jobs, etc. Who isn't? Because these names bring up positive emotions and positive images. It's like saying 'Anti-pollution.' Nobody enjoys pollution, in fact I think it is safe to say that everybody wants their environment to be clean. But if 'anti-pollution' means no more coal and therefore a loss of jobs for thousands and higher prices on power, one might think twice. Likewise, if any of this means taking away my hard-earned money or my choices as a consumer, I must refuse it all. These terms do a good job of automatically demonizing anyone who disagrees with them.

Political correctness preys off of a person's sense of justice. A perfect example is homosexuality. Gays have now been thoroughly victimized throughout our culture (or so it seems) and because of this, if you say you are anti-homosexuality, people look at you like you shot Bambi... repeatedly. But you get the point: these claims are not backed up by logic, but by emotions.

Our founding fathers revolted for a reason. This reason was to give us freedom - freedom from taxes, freedom with trade, freedom of religion. I ask anyone who does not want any of this to move out of the county. It sounds rough, but honestly, these things have made America what it is. To go against these ideals is to to spit in faces of our founding fathers'.

Today is the age of hidden agendas. The British were tactless but political advertisers are not. We are forging our own chains. Don't fall into it.

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President Obama: You'd trust that guy with your money?

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This is gonna be a new post series on the incoming president. I will probably continue this for awhile, especially as new topics keep coming in, so it'll stay open, maybe even for four years.

Well, twelve days from now, the world will recognize a new leader for America. Most of the communist/terrorist regions will probably be cheering the swearing-in of Obama, but hey, he won. Conservatives can complain about McCain's campaign and how the world is doomed now, but in reality that won't help us at all. We need to figure out how we can help Obama's good ideas, and squash his bad ones. Unfortunately, with the senate how it is, that will be difficult. Mainly we need to pray that Obama actually makes the right decisions. With the Madoff/Blago scandals, we (hopefully) have learned that we can't place our trust in human endeavors. So what's so great about Obama? How is the messiah going to save the United States from this economic pit and all the international snares this country is in. I mean, he offers "change" and "hope", right? Why is everybody so expectant that Obama is going to completely supercharge the economy and make the United States this pillar of morality for the whole world to bow down to? He is human after all. He bleeds, he cries, he has joy and sorrow... It's not like this is some terminator-type of creature sent back by Skynet to terminate the United States. I truly believe he is trying to help. I think he's sincere. However, sincerity with the wrong end in mind is like a bullet traveling full speed... off target.

Ok, so let's take a look at some of Obama's ideas that could get us into trouble. The leftist drive-by media already tells you about all the good things he's gonna do, and how he's going to restore the planet to the original condition before man ate the fruit; I'm going to give you the other side of the story. If this offends you, I'm sorry. However, there's got to be a reason it offends you, maybe it's true... something to consider. :D

Anyway, this post is gonna be on his economic ideas, considering the state the economy is in right now.

So, first things first. The BAILOUT. wow, that's an intimidating word, isn't it? Most people throw their ideas around about this particular subject without knowing what they are talking about. This is okay, however, because nobody else knows either, and so nobody can correct them. I don't think anybody really knows the full story, I think people know bits and pieces of it, and they try to adapt to the situation as they see fit. As it turns out, I also know next to nothing about the bailout, so definitely take this with a grain of salt, but I'm gonna try to give a basic overview of what happened, and what Obama proposes.

So, what caused this whole thing anyhow? I mean, it's not like an anvil of that size just falls down on the economy without people having seen it coming, right? Well, sortof... In actuality, it started back in the Clinton Administration when the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) was passed. This is the side that the liberals never tell you, and you never hear from the news. The ECOA basically said that the mortage companies couldn't discriminate against prospecting clients just because their credit was bad. (Political correctness in action. score one for the liberals.) So anyway, this caused a housing bubble to form and expand. People with bad credit and who couldn't pay their mortages would buy extremely nice houses and then stall for a bit, before defaulting on their loans. This would leave the banks with the houses and a debt to pay to the mortage companies. So eventually, people would be paying 900k for a house that was worth 500k. This is a problem, cause it can't last. When the bubble burst, houses that used to cost 1 mil could cost 500k, and so the banks are stuck with a 500k debt. This is why the banks went under.

Now, the solution that Obama and the rest of the government are trying to throw at it is the "government bailout" idea. Apparently they think that the government owes the business sector something and so they come up with this idea to pay out 700B + to the banks/big companies to "stimulate" the economy. Obama recently said, "In short, a bad situation could become dramatically worse" if Washington doesn't go far enough to address the spreading crisis". See, the idea is that if the government throws enough money at the situation, it will fix itself. This is basically socialism in the making. In the free-market, the government works with the laissez-faire idea in mind, and allows the cycle to take care of itself. So, what will happen if the government throws money at it? Basically, it's Keynesian economics taken through their logical course and it will end this country up in the dumps. The government will have to borrow the money, and in doing so we will be pushed deeper into debt. Eventually, the interest in the debt will excede government budget and the government will have to begin to print money to cover the interest payments. When this happens, inflation will kick in and the dollar value will drop off the charts. The U.S. Economy will collapse and then we will have to rebuild. I know it sounds rather horrible, but it will happen. Maybe not that dramatic; maybe it will work out. I pray that it does, you never know. However, socialism in the past has never worked, and I don't see it ever working in the future. The government running the economy isn't the way things should be. Ever. Sorry, Obama/Bush/McCain/Pelosi/etc, this burden's on you.

Next time, Obama's taxation ideas. Woohoo!!

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