
The Problem of Socialism

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In this politically correct age, it is wrong to denounce any idea (that is, any idea besides Christianity, capitalism, or Judeo-Christian ethics). But with President Obama in office, and his (shall we call it as it is?) socialistic policies manifesting, questions rise up faster than even the left would like. I enjoy being honest, and the honest truth is: socialism contains major flaws. It is popular to say that there is nothing wrong with socialism, just as there is 'nothing wrong' with capitalism, or 'nothing wrong' with Communism for that matter, but I will say something extreme: there is.

The first problem with socialism is its appeal to helping people when all it does is essentially make them dependent. FDR's new deal simply made Americans dependent on the government which lead to dependence instead of independence; welfare instead of hard work. Why in the world do people feel like they can sue a restaurant because they spilled their own coffee on themselves? Answer: because they believe they deserve better. The new deal did this to Americans and the effect has been subliminal; we all have traces of it. President Obama's plan is to reinstate this new deal and only make America more dependent. As good as his intentions may be, he misunderstands this: when people are given enough favors without having to work for them, they eventually expect them as rights.

The second problem with socialism is that it ignores human nature. Humans are naturally dark. To say we aren't is to ignore the greatest evils in this world. It cannot be ignored even on the most basic level. Why do we teach children to be good, and why is there no need to teach them to do bad? And why is it necessary to lock our doors, or have a police force?

I lived in Fiji for over a year and learned of the Fijian's socialistic tribal past. It was, as most would agree, socialism in its purest form. Everyone worked together to benefit the tribe. But beyond the work the tribe did, the structure was not socialistic - rather a totalitarian caste system. The Chief ruled the tribe, the priest conducted ceremonies, the warriors fought, and the farmers farmed (as a side note, the women were considered among the lowest of the caste). The structure of their tribes is no coincidence either; the only way to force a group of people to work together is to either present a common goal or to intimidate with fear. Here they had both summed in one word: survival. Does this sound like an ideal place to live?

When listening to the news and hearing about the stimulus package, ask yourself if dependence sounds good. When hearing about giving up a 'piece of your pie' for someone else who doesn't work, look up the definition of indentured servant.
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Stimulation of the Wallet

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Pray a little more, work a little harder, save, wait, be patient and, most of all, live within our means. That's the American way. It's not spending ourselves into prosperity or taxing ourselves into prosperity. ~Mike Huckabee~

Unless you're Amish, or you haven't been reading the news lately, you probably have heard of the new "stimulus" package. Trouble is, not many people know exactly what they think about it; or, if they do have a faint inkling on what their opinion is, they probably don't know why. However, if you are one of those few privileged individuals who actually know what's going on and what the effects are gonna be... you should run for president in 2012, cause you're probably the only one with the inside information. As for the rest of us, why should this matter to us? It's just another partisan gridlock in D.C. right? Well, to be honest, I just wish you were right...

So why should we care about what the government does? I mean, governments have been spending the money of the citizens ever since our ancestors figured out the whole idea of currency. ("My name Gog. I find nice rock. I like." "My name Ug. I like rock too." *sounds of scuffle, Gog screams* "My name Ug. I have nice rock.") However, what separates this from the rest of the wasteful spending we've seen in the past?

Well, the biggest thing that separates it is the sheer size of this sucker. Most of us can't even imagine $1 million, just forget a billion. So, let's put this into some easy numbers. The size of this "stimulus" package ($827 B) is equal to:

  • Spending $1 Billion a DAY for 827 days (2.26 years).

  • Spending $1 million a DAY for roughly 2,300 years.

  • Spending $1,000 a DAY for 2.6 MILLION years.

So, you can see that this isn't milk money the government is throwing away, this is the real deal.

So, why should we care? Well, the problem most likely isn't going to land on the people who are now in office, which is why they can get away with it and not have to worry too much about repercussions. So, it's gonna be on our shoulders ("generation x"), to fulfill this debt. The fact is, we don't have the money to pay for this bill. It's not like the government can shuffle around in its pockets and pull out $827 Billion, it's just not gonna happen. Thus, we have to borrow it from foreign countries.

Psalm 37:21: "The wicked borrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives;".
Proverbs 22:7: "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender."

Is it any wonder then, that the Lord told the people of Israel not to borrow from foreign countries? (Deut 15:6, Deut 28:12) God saw what our government doesn't see: choices have consequences. This stimulus bill is a choice, and it is a bad one: Thus, it will have bad consequences.

Even if you're not a Christian, you can see the wisdom in the scriptures of old. The quote from Mike Huckabee is a great way to live life, folks. It's called fiscal responsibility, love it or leave it.

The argument eventually comes up going something like this: "Well, we got ourselves into this mess, we need to get ourselves out". I agree, actually. However, I just don't think that attempting to spend our way out is a great idea. It's hardly the lesson taught by history. The government apparently thinks that they can spend the way out of this hole, however that's never really done the trick in the long-run. It's short-term Keynesian policy in action. However, the point of this post isn't to discuss monetary and fiscal policy.

America, it's not spending that will help us here, it's saving and living inside of our means. Going into debt isn't a good way to get out of debt. (duh!)

Since when has the American way turned into a spendulous extravaganza thrown by the government? That's called Socialism. Welcome to the World of Barack Obama.

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We're Back!

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.” ~Buddha~

After a 17-day respite, Blogger has finally decided to place us back on the web, and so you can again surf the Critical Advantage Wave. Hopefully you missed us, but then again, maybe you didn't... If you are of the latter type, I pity you. Anyway, I think I'm gonna try to do some modifications to the site once I think of how to program it. Anyway, Enjoy!

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